Jerusalem of Sefarad


Tip a golden chalice over stone walls

And let it turn the river into kiddush wine.

Once again, there are more parables 

In the walled city than Jews.

Star and moon crossed in a ménage à trois,

And every man covered his head in modesty.

Their caps looked like difference

But were also exactly the same.

Sinagoga de Santa Caliph ha Levi.

חי, חי, חיים

You can’t really love two cities the same.

Sefarad, Safed, Saphah,

Saphon, Saphon,

Toledo - I will write your name with my left hand

For there’s a chance I’ve already forgotten you.

Gabriella Kamran

Gabi is a student at the UCLA School of Law who holds a BA in Gender studies and Communication from UCLA. She likes Jewish thought, feminism, Yehuda Amichai, and drinking coffee in Jerusalem. She does not like ashkenormativity, neoimperialism, or grape juice.


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