A Tribute to Leah
A dinner commemorating the life of Yadid’s grandmother prompts a series of reflections about the enduring vivacity of her spirit and the power of food as a tool for active remembrance.
Del be Del / دل به دل
The Persian word for heart is ‘qalb’. When you talk about the throbbing, blood-pumping organ in the middle of your chest, ‘qalb’ is the word you use. But when it comes to what English-speakers know as matters of the heart, in Persian, they sit squarely in the del. When you're forlorn and missing someone, you're deltang — your del feels tight, not your qalb. When you sympathize with someone's misfortune, you're delsooz — your del burns for them. When you're overflowing with emotions and need to unload them, your del is por, or full. And the friend who listens supportively as you unload your woes is your deldar — they have your del.

The Culinary Wellsprings of Jerusalem
Jerusalem is a city of springs; hidden within her is a myriad of metaphorical aquifers, each one spouting the words of dozens of prophets over the years. They are countless in number, but two are of particular cultural and culinary importance to me: Mahane Yehuda and the Arab Market near the Damascus Gate in the Old City—what Palestinians usually call Musrara Market.

Chloé Pourmorady on “finding meaning” in her heritage as a Persian Jewish musician
Chloé Poumorady’s music is a symphonic blend of traditional Persian and Sephardic Jewish harmonies, tinged with the lightness of folk melodies from across the globe. Now leading a six-musician ensemble, the classically-trained violinist and vocalist counts Medieval Ladino poetry, the Book of Genesis, and Béla Bartok among her influences.

Hashish: A (Jewish) History
The use of hashish and cannabis in Jewish tradition is controversial, to say the least. The Tanakh includes numerous mentions of a grain or spice called qaneh-bosem— described as an “aromatic grass,” which is exactly what I would call cannabis.

Calling In
A comic about mental health stigmas in the Persian Jewish community, as discussed over Dr. Holakouee’s radio show in my grandma’s car.

Feature Article: An Account of Jewish Life in Prewar Damascus
Standing in the heart of the Damascus Jewish Quarter is the Ibn Maimon School. Today, save for a few offices, it is mostly empty, giving the impression of a Jewish neighborhood without Jews. But Syrian Jewish Community President Albert Cameo tells a different story—one of a small and proud group of people determined to hang on to their roots.

Dissonance and Return: Middle Eastern Philosophy in Harmony
In the most elementary aspects of traditional music hailing from across Asia, the system of just 12 equally tempered (the same distance from each other) tones is rare. From Tuvan throat songs to classical Persian music to Gamelan music of Southeast Asia, semitones, notes lying in-between the core tenants of the 12-note scale, are widely applied.